Mouse Fire in Enxco's Chanarambie Wind Turbine
Enxco filed an "extraordinary event" report with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission today. Mice got into the electrical equipment,...
Pioneer Green Energy - What Wildlife?

Pioneer Green
Energy seems determined to site industrial wind projects in ecologically
sensitive areas with low wind resources. Four projects...
Solutions That Can't Work for a Problem That Does Not Exist
Climate alarmism’s 10,000 commandments
EPA fiats threaten American lives, livelihoods, living standards and life spans
Paul Driessen
The United States will “do more,” before it’s “too late” to prevent “dangerous” global...
End of the Trail for New Era Wind Farm

Citizens hope that the New Era industrial wind project ‘s upcoming
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC)hearing will be its last. MPUC
A New Era Dawns in Goodhue Minnesota

A collective cheer shook the cold, wet countryside of Goodhue County. In a last minute tantrum filed late this afternoon, Peter...
Bald Eagle Annual Deaths As High As 14
United States Fish and Wildlife Service predicts that between 8 and 14 American bald eagles could be killed annually if New Era...
Tell the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board What You Think
Today is the state-wide kickoff of a series of citizen forums advertised as asking Minnesotans their thoughts about the future of Minnesota's Environmental policies. The forums are sponsored by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board...
25 X 25 Fails in Michigan
Michigan voters overwhelmingly rejected Proposition 3 - a ballot question as to whether Michigan should mandate that 25% of their electricity come from "renewable energy" by the year 2025. Like all "renewable energy portfolios/ standards",...
"New Era" for T. Boone Pickens' Wind Project

New Era Wind Farm
After three years, T. Boone Pickens has officially taken his lost a** home to Texas. The Coalition...
Eight State Habitat Conservation Plan Needs Public Comment

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced on August 30, 2012 that they are taking public comment until October 1, 2012 * regarding...
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